Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mt. Charleston

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

For over a month after Ty passed away, Jamie and I went walking for a couple hours at a time every week - never entirely sure where or how far we would be going. We would just walk and talk about everything, from Ty to other spiritual matters to simply getting to know each other.

So on her visit to Vegas, just like "old times", we went hiking. It's funny I say "old times" because really we've only known each other since March, but it feels a lot longer than that.
We drove to Mt. Charleston and found an easy, six mile loop. For 2 1/2 hours we enjoyed how beautiful and green it is! When I think about Vegas, I don't usually remember there is a gorgeous mountain that is 30 degrees cooler than the usual Vegas heat. We loved it. . .
The following sign was on the information board, describing the hike and nature around us:
Jamie and I have talked before about the types of plants and flowers that evolve out of difficult circumstances - growing between rocks, small amounts of water, high elevations... We've had many discussions on trials and the hardships that everyone faces in their lives. The plants that fight for survival is our favorite metaphor. I like how the sign describes the "harsh environment" that these plants are forced to live in, but then mentions how they "evolved special features to help them cope".


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