Monday, July 30, 2012

"The Mother's Dream"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

As I held my baby in the hospital, a poem from years ago came to my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. At my father's condo, I ransacked my storage boxes trying to find the booklet I had put together in ninth grade. I knew I had to find it. And then I read these words; words I had not read in ten years:

"The Mother's Dream"
by William Barres
I'd a dream to-night
As I fell asleep,
Oh! the touching sight
Makes me still to weep;
Of my little lad,
Gone to leave me sad,
Aye, the child I had,
But was not to keep.
As in heaven high,
I my child did seek,
There, in train, came by
Children fair and meek,
Each in lily white,
With a lamp alight;
Each was clear to sight,
But they did not speak.
Then, a little sad,
Came my child in turn,
But the lamp he had,
Oh! it did not burn;
He, to clear my doubt,
Said, half turned about,
'Your tears put it out;
Mother, never mourn,'
I knew these words were from my little Ty. He wants me to know that if I am sad, he cannot truly be happy. My grief is his grief. But he is ok. And he wants me to know that, so we all can be happy. I cannot tell you how much comfort this poem has brought me. I have no doubt it was meant for me to find, to remember, to understand. My baby is safe. And he is happy and waiting for us.

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